Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My first Vacation!!! Part 1

On June 6th, Mommy and I left for California for a week to go on my very first vacation!! Here are some of the highlights!

Uncle Cody dropped us off at the airport with Grandma and then helped us get our bags checked in...And then almost had to drive home to find and bring back my birth certificate because mommy forgot her brain and didn't bring it!  Luckily mommy redeemed herself and found my shot record in the diaper bag which we were able to use instead...Score!  Southwest checked us in, and after an extra long screening process through security, we got to board the plane!
Baby's first airplane ride!!!
All smiles as the plane taxis for take off!!

All that airport stuff is exhausting! Within 1 minute of take off, I was out!

We've arrived!!!
Orange County, CA
Mommy's good friend, Jeremy, picked us up from the airport.  After we dropped our stuff off at his apartment (where we were staying for our trip), we ran around picking up lots of stuff for me--baby food, diapers, a highchair and lots more baby essentials!  That was in addition to the things Jeremy already so nicely got for us before we came! Us babies might be little, but we certainly require lots of stuff!
We spent a couple of hours running errands when we first got there, but made sure to fit in some play time too, of course!  Playing in soft, green grass makes me smile ear to ear! :)
Landon and Brooklyn = BFF!
The second I saw Jeremy's puppy, Brooklyn, I couldn't stop smiling and laughing!  I think the feeling was mutal because Brooklyn couldn't stop wagging her tail and nuzzling up to me.  In fact, the next day the apartment maintence man came to fix something inside the apartment and Brooklyn immediately stepped protectively in front of where I was sitting on the floor and started barking at the man.  Talk about an instant bond! 
Brooklyn giving me kisses

My favorite thing to do every night while we were here was snuggle up with Brooklyn and pet her on the couch!

Snuggle time before bed!

We transformed Jeremy's apartment from a bachelor pad into a baby factory!

Good morning sunshine!  Eating some peaches in my new high chair while feeling that cool California breeze blowing in behind me!

My morning exercise routine in the Jumperoo ;)

Corona del Mar
Jeremy works at a super cool high end retail store in Corona del Mar called On Que Style.  So Jeremy went to work, and mommy did some shopping while I napped in my stroller, and then we met Jeremy for some yummy food on his lunch break!
Waiter, I'm ready to order!

Quick, I'm gotta steal a fry while they're not looking!
After a delicious lunch, mommy took me home for an afternoon nap followed by some park time when Jeremy was done with work!
Enjoying some afternoon snuggles with mommy <3

Mommy n me

A walk to the park--what a perfect way to end a great day!

Hooray for bucket swings!

Out n' about

Dinner at Wahoos!
I'm so big, I get my very own chair at the restaurant now!

One of mommy's best girlfriends, Alex, came and met me for the first time and had dinner with us!


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