Thursday, May 24, 2012

May Day!

What a super fun month!  Between swim lessons, playdates, birthday parties, and fun new toys, mommy and I have been pretty busy!

Story time with Grandma
One of my most favorateist pastimes in the whole world!

Me n' Ryan
My first time meeting mommy's very special friend, Ryan.  I think it's safe to say I approved!! ;)
Got my new booties on to go to my God mommy's graduation party with Ryan and mommy!
 Harper's 1st Birthday Party!
Talk about a busy social life!  The next day after the graduation party, I was invited to my super good friend, Harper's 1st birthday party!!

Showin off my newfound skill of sitting up with my boy, Mason

Uncle Cody came with mommy and I!

Happy 1st Birthday to lil Miss Harper!!  We call her mommy, Ashley, my 2nd mommy because she loves me SO much and babysits me when mommy has to go byebye

My First Set of Wheels!
Is it ok to drive without my license??

 Mother's Day
Enjoying our first Mother's Day together!!!

For a fun Mother's Day/Summer treat, I got to try some frozen banana in my mesh feeder! Yumm!!

So independent!  Look at me feed myself!
 My new Elephant Rocker Buddy!!

Special Delivery!!-- Look what came in the mail today!! Mommy had been wanting to buy me a rocker ever since I started sitting up, and when these adorable rockers went on sale on Zulily, she couldn't resist! 

Rockin and Rollin!

Mommy and Ryan went on a date night...

But the next day they took me to a super fun BBQ festival in Scottsdale!
 1st Time Eating Baby Food!!
Mommy had planned on doing homemade baby food but she did not realize just how much work that involved! It's great for when we're at home but not super practical for every meal!  So last night, mommy, Ryan and I went to the store and picked out several different flavors of baby food for me to try over the next few weeks!

Tonight we decided on Sweet Potatoes!

I ended up wearing most of it but throughly enjoyed the whole experience!!!

It's fun turning dinner time into a picnic!  Hey Ryan, next time can I have steak and baked potatoes with you and mommy??


Hayley Cox

Hey Brittany! I came across your blog and just wanted to say congratulations! I had a baby about a year before you and it is certainly the greatest thing of my life. If you are ever back in So Cal I would love to get together and have a baby playdate! Think of you often, dear. xox.

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