Sunday, January 8, 2012

Highlights from my 5th week!

This week I went to the Doctors and got my second Hep B shot...I was so brave!  Mommy was more scared for me than I was!  I let out a little cry when I got poked, but mommy picked me right up and let me nurse...nothing a good snuggle and some booby milk couldn't fix ;)
At my Dr. appt. I we found out I am now 11 lbs and 22 and 3/4 inches, putting me right in the 75th percentile for both height and weight! Not bad!

Snuggles before bedtime :)

Sweet, Sweet boy

I look like such a big boy in my jeans!

I'm lookin at YOU!

Live Fast, Nap Hard

Sorry baby, had to post this one! hehe ;)

Little baby hands :)
We met mommy's friend Regina and her boys at the park for some outside fun!
Regina's son, Xsiah

I checked things out from my stroller

Onesie I got from Dr. Falk!

Mommy's best friend Sarah met me for the first time and she fell in love with me right away!  I gave her big smiles...I'm already a ladies man!

Mommy brought me to the Preschool she worked at!  All the bigger kids really wanted me to come out and play, but I stayed put in my carseat!

The kids mommy used to teach were all SO interested in me!

We kept having to say "look with your eyes!"  I'm just a popular baby!


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