Sunday, April 8, 2012

Baby's First Easter!!

Happy Easter!!!
I had an awesome time meeting the Easter bunny at the mall!  He was so soft and snuggly, I was full of smiles while sitting on his lap!!
Since it was my first Easter, and we wanted it to be extra special, I got to go with my family on my first road trip!!  We went down to Tucson and met up with Uncle Cody at the J.W. Marriott Star Pass Resort and Spa for the weekend!! We had such a great time, we've decided to make it an Easter tradition!!

Just arrived and getting settled in our room I shared with Grandma and mommy.

Beautiful view from our balcony!

Still a little sleepy from my looong nap! (I slept the whole way there!)

Relaxing at the beautiful outdoor patio with mama

Gorgeous desert views from the patio

So glad to see Uncle Cody for the whole weekend!

Mama's little man

We couldn't bring my whale tub so we had to improvise at bath time!

Mommy and Uncle Cody's birthday dinner!  (Which I slept right through like a little angel!)

Gotta love my Uncle Cody
The Easter bunny was flown in by helicopter!!!!  Mommy and Grandma watched from the balcony in our room while I slept in!

There he goes on his golf cart to get ready for picture time! 

Since I slept in so late, by the time we made it downstairs the Easter Bunny was done taking pictures....but we trapsed around the hotel until we found him...and got our picture!!
Poolside in our Cabana!
Kickin back with my bobbie

Darn right Chicks dig me!!

All ready to go in our pool gear!

We tried out the sprinklers first...

...which I ended up not bein too fond of!

I got dried off and spent some time with Uncle Cody back in our cabana

Story time with Mother Goose
It was starting to get a little warm, so we took a break and went inside for some storytime with Mother Goose!

After my morning nap, we headed back outside for some more poolside fun!!

Testing out the water with mommy!

An awesome gift in my Easter basket (I opened early!)... My very first pool floatie made my first time in the pool super fun!!

I'm a water baby just like mommy was!

Havin fun in the water with Grandpa!  You'd never guess it was my first time!

On a shuttle back to the hotel after dinner at a yummy BBQ place!  I stayed sound asleep again!

My very first Easter basket!!!

Getting ready to go to an Easter Church service at the hotel with Grandma

On our way to brunch we posed for some pictures..

Happy first Easter my little bunny!!!---Love mommy

Surrounded by the people I love on my first Easter!

The yummy Easter breakfast buffet!

Surrounded by all my Easter buddies!!

One last picture before we start to pack up!

Finally we were all packed up and ready to head back to Phoenix!

What a fun trip!!  Can't wait to go back again next year!!!


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