Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hello World! My first 2 weeks at home

The first few weeks have definitely been an adventure!  Between the sleepless nights, endless nursing, diaper blow outs, and projectile pooping and vomiting (!!!) I've kept my mommy very busy!  I've also proven to be a very sweet natured little boy...I loved being cuddled and I'm also perfectly content in my swing or relaxing on my boppy.  Here are some pictures of my first couple weeks at home!
4 days old-You loved to hold your arms like that, bent at the elbows, right next to your face.  Grandma and I called them your bat wings and started to worry that they might get stuck like that!  Luckily we had nothing to worry about and they straightened out once I realized I had more room to stretch out now that I was out of the womb!

Even when you were sleeping I couldn't take my eyes off you!

Swinging away!

This was too funny!  Grandma thought of how funny it would be to make a binky mobile and as she made circles with the paci around your head you did not take your eyes off of it once!  Looks like we'll have to add some binkys to the mobile hanging above your crib! haha
***I'd also like to add that this picture was taken right before you soaked Grandma's down comforter with pee!  No sooner had Grandma said "Now, you better not pee all over my bed little man!" then 2 seconds later a big wet puddle formed all around you! haha We definitely think you had to have heard and did it on purpose...5 days old and already causing all sorts of trouble! haha ;0)

Ok, I had to add this picture in because it's amazing how once you become a stay at home, sleep deprived, breastfeeding and starving mom the little things in life excite you!  I came downstairs to find that Grandma had put together an oatmeal bar with all kinds of yummy toppings for the oatmeal and hot apple cider to drink!  It hit the spot!  Thanks Grandma! ;0)

Sometimes Grandma gives me a bottle of milk that mommy pumped so mommy can take a little break!

Ah, nice warm milk...puts me to sleep everytime!

Sooo sleepy! 

I'm one week old today! 

One sleep deprived momma! But that's ok, I'm worth it! :0)

Aren't I cute?!

10 days old, napping away

Getting ready to go on a car ride!

My pediatrician, Dr. Schwartz...he was my mommy and Uncle Cody's doctor when they were little too!  How neat!

Hello little one!

In an adorable outfit from mommy's best friend, Sarah
One handsome dude!

Mommy loves me!

The love gaze <3

I love my new travel swing!
Sweet dreams!

2 and a half weeks old- My little Reindeer!

I found my fingers!  Does that mean the end of binky?!  We will see!



You are so cute. Your mommy looks cute, too.
Looks like y'all are settling right in.
Love, Aunt Becky

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