Friday, August 3, 2012

California--We're baaack!! (4)

Happy Birthday Jeremy!!!
We got back from San Diego in just enough time to make it to Jeremy's birthday dinner at Joes Crab Shack in Newport Beach!!  Mommy, Grandma, and I met Jeremy and his parents there!  Mommy hadn't seen his parents in several years and they were quite excited to meet me!!
Gettin ready to feast on some delicious food!

Petting a pony!  I think I like this restaurant!

I of course took to Jeremy's mom right away!  What's not to like?? She's just about one of the sweetest people I've ever met!

The traditional birthday embarrassment at Joe's!

Jeremy was a good sport though!

He got to ride the pony!  Hey...I want a turn!

Some birthday love for Jeremy

Happy birthday Jeremy!! You are the best godfather there ever was!

We love you Jeremy!
Beach time!
Mommy and Jeremy took me to Newport Beach for one more beach day before we go back to AZ.

This is the life!

Sand, sand everywhere!!

Mommy loves her beach baby!!

Hmmm...whats this??

And in the mouth it goes! (right before mommy ran over and yanked it out!)

A little guy time

Mom, easy on the sunscreen!  I'm lookin a little like Casper!

Everytime a wave came rushing in, I did a little happy dance! lol

Munching on a gummy least it's better than seaweed!

I loved feeling my lil feeties sink into the mud!

This is mommy's happy place :)

Last night in Newport...Traditional last night dinner on the pier @ Ruby's...which I ended up sleeping right through!  That beach sure wears a baby out!

On our way home.... :-/
I sure like having mommy keep me company in the backseat!

Tryin out the new sippy! Finally found one that works!! Yayyy!

Good bye California!  We had such a wonderful trip and can't wait till next time!!

California--we're baaack!! San Diego!! (3)

San Diego!!!
For our last weekend in CA, mommy and I rented a car and went down to San Diego to go see Cliff who happened to be in town for work!!  We had sooo much fun, as I'm sure you'll be able to tell from my pictures!
After we met up with Cliff and brought all our things to the hotel in Coranado, our first stop in San Diego was Oscars for lunch!  Mommy is obsessed with their breadsticks, and judging from this picture, I am too!!
Sea World!!!
I was sooo excited to be going to Sea World for the first time!  Actually, I was here last summer with Cliff and mommy, except I couldn't really see anything because I was in her tummy!  I'd have to say I enjoyed it much more this time around!! ;)
Mesmerized by the Pirranahs

I couldn't take my eyes off the aquarium!

Wow, these fish tanks are so cool!

I couldn't stop banging on the glass, saying hi to all the fishies

Can I go in and join them?!

At the starfish exhibit! (mommy looks like she needs a nap!) I actually got to touch a starfish!  I might've gripped him just a little too hard, so mommy and Cliff put him back in the water for me.

Checkin out the shark exhibit with Cliff!

So many Souveniors, so little time!!

Waiting for the dolphin show to start

All bundled up for the evening dolphin show!
The next day, we went to a delicious breakfast spot in La Jolla called The Cottage!  It was sooo yummy! 
I wanted to make sure I looked my best, so Cliff helped me out with my hair

Ta da! Who knew Cliff had a hidden talent doin baby mohawks??
Before we left to go back to Newport, Cliff got me this cool new onesie that was made especially for me!!


Happy to be a mini SEAL!

Baby SEAL in training!

Thanks for my new onesie and for an awesome weekend in San Diego, Cliff!!!  See you again soon!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

California--We're baaaack!! (2)

I'm on a BOAT!
Grandma rented an electric boat and we got to take a cruise around the Newport/Balboa!!!  Me, Mommy, Grandma, Jeremy, Poppie, Grammy, and Sue all came!  Am I forgetting anyone?? No? Ok!
Mommy, Jeremy, and I... And appearantly I found these cup holders to be verrry tasty!

Iceberg, straight ahead!  jk! (I heard that in a movie once and thought it would be fun to say) ;)

Captain Landon helps Jeremy steer the boat!

I even wore my new sailor outfit for the occasion!

Got my life jacket on, just in case!

Can't say I enjoyed wearing the big ol' poofy life jacket too it was off within the first 2 minutes of putting it on! Good thing I take swimming lessons! :)

My future home! ;)

Poppie is giving being Captain a shot!

Content with snuggles from my Grammie.

Snuggles were nice, but now I'm back to being a squirmy wormy!

Enjoying a beautiful sunset and feeling that nice ocean breeze in my face!
After our boat ride we all went to Corona del Mar to meet up with Aunt Danielle.  Well, I wasn't having any part of sitting still in a restaurant, so mommy and Jeremy took me on a walk to go get some ice cream instead!
Mmmm...I love me some mint chip!!

Look out!!! It's the ice cream monster!!!

The next day mommy found a baby class for me at Granola Babies in Costa Mesa!!  Just because I'm on vacation doesn't mean my social life has to suffer!
Sharing my wubbanub with a cute little girl!

Waiting for class to start!
Later in the day, Mommy, Jeremy and I went to dinner and took a walk around the peninsula!
All cozy in my stroller...and leg warmers of course!

Funny shirt my mommy's girlfriend got me last time we were here....I have no idea what it means though!!
Funny story: Mommy tells Grandma she wants to put our new jogging stroller to use and go on a nice walk/jog.  Grandma says ok, let's take a nice scenic walk around Back Bay.  Little did we was an 11 mile walk that took us 4 hours!!!  With only ONE bottle, NO diapers, NO diaper bag...I was quite the little trooper though!! I just tried to remember how much I was going to miss getting to ride around outside in a stroller once we got back to AZ!
Here's a view of our lovely 11 mile hike...I mean "walk"

My favorite book in the whole world!! "Where is Baby's Belly Button?"
The next day Poppie came over to go on a bike ride with Grandma, while mommy and I did some shopping in Costa Mesa!
Checkin out my Poppie

Sometimes I don't like when people I'm not around all the time (aka: mommy, Grandma, or Grandpa) hold me...but I did just fine with Poppie!  I was all smiles the whole time!

Play time with Poppie!  You're so silly Poppie!!

Shopping with Mommy--
We went to some adorable baby boutiques in Costa Mesa!  One was a super high priced baby boutique called Bel Bambini...Of course we didn't waste any money there, except for a couple sippy cups (that I finally found one I liked enough to drink out of all by myself!).  The other baby store we went to was a higher end baby resale store called Posh Tots and High Roller Strollers...Mommy thought it was the cutest store ever and bought me looooots and lots of toys, clothes and other cool baby gear!!
I know what you're thinkin...No this isn't for me silly!  I bought this as a souvenier for my friend Harper, back in AZ!

I found a nice little chair that was just my size!

More shopping!  Balboa Island!

I'm loving playing with my new bathtoys!! Thanks mommy!!

Vacations are a perfect time to catch up on my rest!